An intrusion detection system (IDS) analyses network traffic for unusual behaviour and alerts the system or network administrator if it detects it. In some situations, the IDS may respond to suspicious or malicious activity by prohibiting the user or source IP address from accessing the network. IDS exist in a number of "flavours" and use different approaches to identifying suspicious traffic. There are network-based (NIDS) and host-based (HIDS) intrusion detection systems that are strategically located inside the network to monitor traffic to and from all network devices. On the network, HIDS hosts an intrusion detection system. HIDS just detects inbound and outgoing pockets from the device and alerts the user. The primary goal of an intrusion detection, prevention, and trace back system is to identify potential occurrences, log information about them, attempt to stop them, and report them to security administrators. Intrusion prevention systems (IPS), also known as intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), identify and prevent harmful network or system activity. Intrusion detection and prevention systems guide (IDPS). As opiend by [1], scarf one is a computer security resource centre.
Statement of the Problem
The following problems were identified in the existing system that necessitated the development of the intrusion detection and prevention system:
Aim and Objectives of Study
The aim of this project is to develop an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System with the following objectives:
(1) To design a system that will encrypt information pertaining to customers to prevent intrusion.
(2) To develop a system that will require an encryption key before bank transaction information can be viewed.
(3) To implement a system that will prevent disclosure of customers’ data to fraudsters by utilizing cipher text.
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